
Lend us Your Time or Talents!

Volunteers make a huge impact by sharing their time and talents with us. Some volunteers enjoy working outdoors on stewardship visits or habitat restoration projects while others prefer to help in the office or at our community events.

What are your talents? Whatever they may be, we can always use an extra hand! Read more about our specific volunteer needs, and then sign up to get started.

Spend time outside visiting some of the beautiful properties protected by Tri-Valley Conservancy’s Conservation Easements. Please only sign up for this volunteer position if you are able to spend 2-3 hours walking and driving around properties, and are willing to sign a liability and confidentiality agreement before entering a property.

Stewardship Visits

We need your help before, during, and after events! Volunteers help plan, organize, take tickets, address letters, and do just about everything else necessary to put on an event

Events Support

Office Help

Help us out with mailings, filing, data entry, and archival collections.  Is there a computer “guru” out there who will help us out? Whether you have skills to share or time to spend with us stuffing envelopes, writing out thank you cards and holiday cards, we always need help around the office.